The aim is to empower those with potential to reach out and become effective leaders and equip those who are already leading to become more proficient.
The traditional approach to supervisory training focused solely on the supervisor whereas, SuperManagement binds supervisors, workers and managers together by making sure they are all “on the same page”. It aims to increase productivity and overall performance. It uses a spaced-learning approach, incorporating work-related projects between modules, thus avoiding a “crash-course” approach.
The SuperManagement training programme is flexible, practical and focused on immediately transferring skills learnt – back into the workplace by means of project work. With a choice of 28 modules for supervisors / managers, and 10 elective congruent modules for workers, this relevant programme dedicates 70% of its time to discussion and practical application.
Kevin Smith who leads the team, has a wealth of experience which gives him a unique insight into the challenges that middle management face.
The purpose is to upskill employees in junior management. It is intended to empower learners to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to operate confidently as junior managers in the South African community and to respond to the challenges of the economic environment and changing world of work.
Qualifying learners are capable of:
This 4-phased approach, aimed at middle-management and key employees who interact with customers, is designed to identify strengths and weaknesses in 12 core competencies. This ensures you:
ACT utilises scientific tools, best practice coaching and globally-endorsed training modules. The action plan that each person develops is then taken back to the workplace, implemented and monitored to measure results.
Coaching is used to develop individual development plans which incorporate specific goals and actions. In addition coaching is an ideal vehicle to ensure follow up and skills application in the workplace.
The modern business world is characterised by the sheer speed in which one has to operate combined with information overload. To be competitive and productive each individual in your organisation needs to be able to focus, meet deadlines, and understand how to manage time and interruptions thereby reducing stress. We not only equip delegates with the skills but also the tools to manage their daily lives. We ensure that each person not only knows what to do – but how to do it.
We have developed short courses aligned to NQF unit standards that form building blocks to a formal qualification.
Some clients require a dependable and professional assessment tool for organisations to better evaluate, select, coach, develop and manage their human resources.
SuperManagement is a licensed provider of the PDA International Assessment Tool.
Suite 10,
15 The Boulevard,
Westway Office Park,
GPS Co-ordinates: -29.848526, 30.926383