Essentially the key thinking behind the business simulations is that an improvement in business understanding will have a positive influence on people’s perceptions and resultant attitude. This in turn, will have a positive impact on changing people’s behaviour. It is ultimately behaviour that affects company performance and specifically, the bottom line.
Using our unique learning methodology, we build a real and deep understanding of your business amongst all staff. This empowers them to be aligned and committed to achieving your company’s goals and objectives.
These living case-studies allow the learners to take ownership of their decisions and actions increasing the overall understanding of the business and how they play a part.
Regardless of the level of employee involved, our approach is to use experiential simulations, which incorporate theory and practice while ensuring that the learning content is designed to suit the needs of the participants.
Suite 10,
15 The Boulevard,
Westway Office Park,
GPS Co-ordinates: -29.848526, 30.926383